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Writing better emails with Respona’s email analyzer.
Writing better emails with Respona’s email analyzer.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how Respona’s email analyzer works and how to use it to write better emails.

Vlad Orlov avatar
Written by Vlad Orlov
Updated over a week ago

In the Create a Sequence step, Respona’s sequence builder comes with an email analyzer. You can access it by pressing on the red dot button in the top right corner of the editor.

It approximates your chances of getting a response by keeping track of a few key features of your email:

  • Subject length

  • Word count

  • Question count

  • Spam word count

The ideal values for all factors have been taken from studies on email deliverability and engagingness.

Ideally, you want to keep everything in the green - then your chances of receiving a response tend to be higher.

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