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News Outreach

Earning press mentions and story features by pitching journalists with newsworthy content.

Farzad Rashidi avatar
Written by Farzad Rashidi
Updated over a year ago


Journalist outreach can be done for a variety of reasons:

  • Press release distribution

  • Public relations

  • Establishing a contact in the media

  • Getting press coverage

Getting yourself featured on press outlets is one of the best ways to brand yourself and grow your company's influence.

One great way to spark up a collaboration with a journalist is to pinpoint a typo in their article. No professional wants these, so they’re very likely to at least notice your email.

Respona’s search engine makes finding relevant press outlets and journalists very simple.


  1. Select the "News Outreach" campaign template.

2. In the first field, enter recent news topics relevant to your story.

3. In the second field, share 1-2 sentences about your unique angle or story.

4. We recommend keeping the date range field on default to automatically find the latest articles.

5. Next, you may select your publication’s desired location and language.

6. Only use the last field if you’re looking to limit the search to specific publications, such as Forbes and TechCrunch.

7. Click "Use this template".

8. Review your email sequence and tailor it to your needs.

9. Сlick "Next Step" and review the automation.

10. Click "Continue" and set additional SEO filters if needed.

11. Click "Continue" again and run a simultaneous contact search to save time.

12. Run the automation. As results are found, they will start appearing on the screen.



Subject: New [guide, tool…] - want to take a look?

Hey {first_name},

I was reading your article on {website_name} regarding [topic].

I liked how you said that {Something from the article}.

This is why we’ve [developed an online tool, created an extensive guide…]

Would you like to take a look?

Let me know and we can provide you with any information you might need.




Subject: New outreach tool for SEO - want to take a look?

Hey John,

I was reading your article on Content Marketing Institute regarding link building.

I liked how you said that link building is hard.

It’s true that building links on your own can become quite tedious.

This is why we’ve developed an online tool that helps automate a huge chunk of the process and allows link builders to achieve much more, in a much shorter time.

Would you like to take a look?

Let me know and we can provide you with any information you might need.


Vlad Orlov

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