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What is the campaign priority?
What is the campaign priority?

In this article we’ll take a look at what campaign priority is, how to set it up and how to change it for existing campaigns.

Farzad Rashidi avatar
Written by Farzad Rashidi
Updated over a year ago

Campaign priority determines the order in which your emails are ordered in the queue and the priority in which they are sent out.

While creating your campaign, you may select one of three priority settings for it:

  • Low

  • Medium

  • High

Any high-priority campaigns would be sent first, followed by medium-priority campaigns, and low-priority campaigns would be sent out last.

This setting will be especially useful if you’re planning to run a number of different campaigns from the same email address.

Campaign priority only affects campaigns that are created for the same email address. For example, if you have a medium priority campaign on one address, and a high-priority one on another, they will start at the same time (if there are no high-priority campaigns for the first email).

To change priority, simply select your desired setting from the drop-down menu on the campaign creation page.

Can I change the priority of an already launched campaign?

To change the priority of an existing campaign, follow the next steps:

  1. Select your campaign from the “Campaigns” tab.

  2. Navigate over to “Settings”.

  3. Select the desired priority from the “Campaign Priority” drop-down.

  4. Click “Update information” to save the settings.

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