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How do I create a sequence in Respona?
How do I create a sequence in Respona?

In this article, we’ll be taking a look at what an email sequence is and how to create and save an email sequence in Respona.

Farzad Rashidi avatar
Written by Farzad Rashidi
Updated over a year ago

The email sequence is the sequence of email messages that will be sent out to the prospects in your campaign.

Follow these steps to create a sequence:

  1. Once you have finished searching for opportunities or imported a list, click over to Step 1 - Sequence.

  2. Click Create New Step to add a step to your sequence.

  3. Write your initial email.

  4. Click on the red dot in the top right corner to view your email’s chances of getting a response. These are calculated depending on your subject length, word count, question count, positivity, and spam word count.

  5. To add variables, click on the {} icon on the right side of the sequence editor for the line you are editing. Variables will automatically populate information for each of the prospects in the campaign.

    So, for example, @first_name will be automatically replaced with the actual first name of your recipients.

  6. To add another step, click on "+ Create new step" again in the bottom left of the sequence editor..

  7. Repeat the process until you have enough follow-ups in your campaign. We would recommend only using one.

  8. To change the delay between emails, click on the pencil icon to the right of the "Day #" text.

  9. To save your sequence, click on the Search sequences bar and press Save as template. Then name your template for future use.

Note: you can access, edit, and create new schedules outside of your campaign by going to Account > Templates.

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