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How to Create a Sequence

A complete overview of Step 1: Sequence

Farzad Rashidi avatar
Written by Farzad Rashidi
Updated over a year ago

The first step of the campaign creation process is to Create a Sequence. Here you will use our email editor to create the base template for your messaging.

Editing Sequences

To create a sequence, you can type out your own messaging or use one of the premade templates that we provide.

To access the templates, click the “Search Sequences” dropdown on the left side of your screen.

search sequences button

Let’s select the Anchor Text Strategy for example. Here you can see the types of variables we use and how we structure our messaging.

anchor text strategy template

Now in order to include or add additional variables, make sure you are clicked into the line you want to edit. On the right side of the email editor, a variable icon will appear.

adding variables

Click on the variable icon to open the list of automated variables that will fill in the information based on the opportunities associated with them.

Once the variable is added to your campaign, you have the ability to add fallback values to the variable. Simply click on the variable within the message and input the fallback value for the variable in case the information is not available for that variable.

adding fallback to variables

By clicking on the variable, you also have the ability to link a URL to the variable. Check the “Wrap into link” box. Then select the variable icon in the secondary input bar. Finally, select the URL variable from the list.

wrapping variables into links

This allows you to link the article URL to a specific variable. Most often used is the URL TItle variable.

Managing Sequences

To create additional steps to your sequence, click on the “Create new step” button in the bottom left corner of the screen. This will add additional automated follow ups to your sequence.

creating new step

You can adjust the amount of days in between messages by clicking on the pencil icon next to the step and day you want to adjust.

changing delay between messages

Once you are happy with your sequence or want to use it in the future, you can save it. Simply click on the “Search sequences” drop down on the left. Then click on “Save this sequence” in the bottom right of the black box.

saving email template

Provide a name for your template and click “Save sequence” so you can select it from the dropdown for future use.

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